Anti Ragging
Click here to view and contact: Anti Ragging Committee.
Institute regulations on curbing the menace of ragging:
Anti Ragging Rules
As per order of The Hon`ble Supreme Court of India,"Ragging is an Offence". Any student found to be directly/indirectly involved in ragging not only loses his/her candidature from the institution but is also liable for punishment under clauses 7 & 9.1 of the regulations .The students and their parents are required to file an affidavit in this regard that they are fully aware of the penal and administrative action liable to be taken if found guilty in any type of ragging activity. The college has formed committees consisting of members from staff and public that consistently monitor the situation. On the walls and website of the college, posters containing messages against the ragging have been posted which will warn the senior student about the consequences of the ragging.
- Human Rights Commission has taken act of ragging very seriously.
- The college administration has adopted zero tolerance policy in this regard and sufficient measures have been taken by the college administration to prevent the act of ragging in the campus and outside. One anti-ragging committee consists of senior faculty members and students have been formed in the institute to ensure zero ragging.
Punishments against Ragging:
Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established by the Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institution, the possible punishments for those found guilty of ragging shall be any one or any combination of the following :
- Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
- Withholding / withdrawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits.
- Forfeiting Campus Placement opportunities / recommendations.
- Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.
- Withholding of results.
- Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival etc.
- Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.
- Cancellation of Admission.
- Rustication from the institution for a period, ranging from 1 to 3 years.
- Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specific period.
- Fine of Rupees 25,000/-.
- Collective punishment: When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential raggers. In addition, in case of every single incident of ragging, a First Information Report (FIR) will be filed with the local police authorities. The possible punishment includes rigorous imprisonment (in compliance with the order of Supreme Court of India).